3 Oct 2019

RSA-Related Message Attack

RSA-Related Message Attack

  • franklinReiter

    def franklinReiter(n,e,r,c1,c2):
        R.<X> = Zmod(n)[]
        f1 = X^e - c1
        f2 = (X + r)^e - c2
        # coefficient 0 = -m, which is what we wanted!
        return Integer(n-(compositeModulusGCD(f1,f2)).coefficients()[0])
      # GCD is not implemented for rings over composite modulus in Sage
      # so we do our own implementation. Its the exact same as standard GCD, but with
      # the polynomials monic representation
    def compositeModulusGCD(a, b):
        if(b == 0):
            return a.monic()
            return compositeModulusGCD(b, a % b)
  • CoppersmithShortPadAttack

    # Franklin-Reiter attack against RSA.
    # If two messages differ only by a known fixed difference between the two messages
    # and are RSA encrypted under the same RSA modulus N
    # then it is possible to recover both of them.
    # Inputs are modulus, known difference, ciphertext 1, ciphertext2.
    # Ciphertext 1 corresponds to smaller of the two plaintexts. (The one without the fixed difference added to it)
    def franklinReiter(n,e,r,c1,c2):
        R.<X> = Zmod(n)[]
        f1 = X^e - c1
        f2 = (X + r)^e - c2
        # coefficient 0 = -m, which is what we wanted!
        return Integer(n-(compositeModulusGCD(f1,f2)).coefficients()[0])
      # GCD is not implemented for rings over composite modulus in Sage
      # so we do our own implementation. Its the exact same as standard GCD, but with
      # the polynomials monic representation
    def compositeModulusGCD(a, b):
        if(b == 0):
            return a.monic()
            return compositeModulusGCD(b, a % b)
    def CoppersmithShortPadAttack(e,n,C1,C2,eps=1/30):
        Coppersmith's Shortpad attack!
        Figured out from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coppersmith's_attack#Coppersmith.E2.80.99s_short-pad_attack
        import binascii
        P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
        ZmodN = Zmod(n)
        g1 = x^e - C1
        g2 = (x+y)^e - C2
        res = g1.resultant(g2)
        P.<y> = PolynomialRing(ZmodN)
        # Convert Multivariate Polynomial Ring to Univariate Polynomial Ring
        rres = 0
        for i in range(len(res.coefficients())):
            rres += res.coefficients()[i]*(y^(res.exponents()[i][1]))
        diff = rres.small_roots(epsilon=eps)
        recoveredM1 = franklinReiter(n,e,diff[0],C1,C2)
        print("Message is the following hex, but potentially missing some zeroes in the binary from the right end")
        print("Message is one of:")
        for i in range(8):
            msg = hex(Integer(recoveredM1*pow(2,i)))
            if(len(msg)%2 == 1):
                msg = '0' + msg
                msg = msg[:2]
    def testCoppersmithShortPadAttack(eps=1/25):
        from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
        import random
        import math
        import binascii
        M = "flag{This_Msg_Is_2_1337}"
        M = int(binascii.hexlify(M),16)
        e = 3
        nBitSize =  8192
        key = RSA.generate(nBitSize)
        #Give a bit of room, otherwhise the epsilon has to be tiny, and small roots will take forever
        m = int(math.floor(nBitSize/(e*e))) - 400
        assert (m < nBitSize - len(bin(M)[2:]))
        r1 = random.randint(1,pow(2,m))
        r2 = random.randint(r1,pow(2,m))
        M1 = pow(2,m)*M + r1
        M2 = pow(2,m)*M + r2
        C1 = Integer(pow(M1,e,key.n))
        C2 = Integer(pow(M2,e,key.n))
    def testFranklinReiter():
        p = random_prime(2^512)
        q = random_prime(2^512)
        n = p * q # 1024-bit modulus
        e = 11
        m = randint(0, n) # some message we want to recover
        r = randint(0, n) # random padding
        c1 = pow(m + 0, e, n)
        c2 = pow(m + r, e, n)
        recoveredM = franklinReiter(n,e,r,c1,c2)
        assert recoveredM==m
        print("They are equal!")
        return True


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